#pinus-rpc - rpc framework for pinus
pinus-rpc is the low level RPC framework for pinus project. It contains two parts: client and server.
The client part generates the RPC client proxy, routes the message to the appropriate remote server and manages the network communications. Support add proxies and remote server information dynamically.
The server part exports the remote services, dispatches the remote requests to the services and also manages the network communications.
And the remote service codes would loaded by pinus-loader module and more details please access this link.
npm install pinus-rpc
var Server = require('pinus-rpc').server;
// remote service path info list
var paths = [
{namespace: 'user', path: __dirname + '/remote/test'}
var port = 3333;
var server = Server.create({paths: paths, port: port});
console.log('rpc server started.');
var Client = require('pinus-rpc').client;
// remote service interface path info list
var records = [
{namespace: 'user', serverType: 'test', path: __dirname + '/remote/test'}
// server info list
var servers = [
{id: 'test-server-1', serverType: 'test', host: '', port: 3333}
// route parameter passed to route function
var routeParam = null;
// route context passed to route function
var routeContext = servers;
// route function to caculate the remote server id
var routeFunc = function(routeParam, msg, routeContext, cb) {
cb(null, routeContext[0].id);
var client = Client.create({routeContext: routeContext, router: routeFunc});
client.start(function(err) {
console.log('rpc client start ok.');
client.proxies.user.test.service.echo(routeParam, 'hello', function(err, resp) {
if(err) {
##Server API
###Server.create(opts) Create a RPC server instance. Intitiate the instance and acceptor with the configure.
###server.start Start the remote server instance.
###server.stop Stop the remote server instance and the acceptor.
###Acceptor Implement the low level network communication with specified protocol. Customize the protocol by passing an acceptorFactory to return different acceptors.
###acceptor.listen(port) Listen the specified port.
###acceptor.close Stop the acceptor.
##Client API
###Client.create(opts) Create an RPC client instance which would generate proxies for the RPC client.
###client.addProxies(records) Load new proxy codes.
###client.addServers(servers) Add new remote server informations.
###client.start(cb) Start the RPC client.
###client.stop Stop the RPC client and stop all the mail box connections to remote servers.
###client.rpcInvoke(serverId, msg, cb) Invoke an RPC request.
###MailBox Implement the low level network communication with remote server. A mail box instance stands for a remote server. Customize the protocol by passing a mailBoxFactory parameter to client to return different mail box instances.
###mailbox.connect(cb) Connect to the remote server.
###mailbox.close Close mail box instance and disconnect with the remote server.
###mailbox.send(msg, opts, cb) Send the RPC message to the associated remote server.